
Knight Resellers

Knight supplies office furniture to leading retailers throughout New Zealand, many of which deliver nationwide. For all your office furniture requirements, contact your preferred supplier from the list below.

Agile Cable Tray & Cover for Shared Desk can be found at the following stores: 

Online Store (NZ Wide)
Search by Name

Uno Furniture (NZ Wide)

Location: Auckland
Phone: 0800 400 010
Email: info@unofurniture.co.nz

Office Furniture Online

Location: Online Store (NZ Wide)
Phone: 027 299 2172
Email: sales@ofo.co.nz

Office Furniture 2U

Location: Online Store (NZ Wide)
Phone: 0800 633 228
Email: info@officefurniture2u.co.nz

Dobbins Office Furniture

Location: Wellington
Phone: 04 232 3405
Email: sales@dobbins.co.nz

Patemans Commercial Furniture

Location: Timaru
Phone: 03 688 1181
Email: craig@patemans.co.nz


Location: Online Store (NZ Wide)
Phone: 0800 426 473

Office Products Depot (OPD)

Location: Nationwide
Phone: 0800 OFFICE

McGreals (NZ Wide)

Location: Auckland
Phone: 09 307 5290
Email: sales@mcgreals.co.nz

Office Furniture First

Location: New Plymouth
Phone: 0800 141 618
Email: admin@officefurniturefirst.co.nz

Metalon South

Location: Invercargill
Phone: 03 214 6307
Email: info@metalonsouth.co.nz

Fusion Interiors

Location: Porirua
Phone: 0800 333 131
Email: info@fil-nz.co.nz

Precision Stationery and Office Furniture

Location: Onehunga
Phone: 09 622 0922
Email: sales@totaloffice.co.nz

CG Office Furniture South Island

Location: Chrischurch
Phone: 03 595 1356
Email: cameron@cgofficefurniture.co.nz or grant@cgofficefurniture.co.nz

Workspace Direct

Location: Auckland
Phone: 0800 908 000
Email: sales@workspacedirect.co.nz

Workspace Direct

Location: Auckland
Phone: 0800 908 000
Email: sales@workspacedirect.co.nz

Workspace Direct

Location: Christchurch
Phone: 0800 908 000
Email: sales@workspacedirect.co.nz

Direct Office Products Depot

Location: Auckland
Phone: 0800 347 328
Email: sales@directopd.co.nz

Direct Office Products Depot

Location: Auckland
Phone: 0800 347 328
Email: sales@directopd.co.nz

Direct Office Products Depot

Location: Christchurch
Phone: 0800 347 328
Email: sales@directopd.co.nz

Action Office Products Depot

Location: Auckland
Phone: 09 957 0123
Email: info@actionopd.co.nz

Taupo Office Products Depot

Location: Taupo
Phone: 07 378 6110
Email: orders@opdtaupo.co.nz

Zenith Interiors

Location: Christchurch
Phone: 03 366 2389

Workspace Interiors

Location: Auckland
Phone: 09 957 1005
Email: sales@workspaceinteriors.co.nz

Wellington Office Products Depot

Location: Wellington
Phone: 04 890 3920
Email: sales@wellingtonopd.co.nz

Waikato Office Products Depot

Location: Hamilton
Phone: 07 834 0050
Email: waikato.opd@psoffice.co.nz

Vision Commercial Furniture

Location: Mt Maunganui
Phone: 0800 575 3309

Taranaki Office Products Depot

Location: New Plymouth
Phone: 06 758 5786
Email: sales@psoffice.co.nz

Takapuna Office Products Depot

Location: Auckland
Phone: 09 486 1778
Email: sales@opdtaka.co.nz

Southern Office Products Depot

Location: Gore
Phone: 03 208 6519
Email: shop@southernopd.co.nz

Richmond Office Products Depot

Location: Nelson
Phone: 03 544 6116
Email: office@opdrichmond.co.nz

Queenstown Office Supplies

Location: Queenstown
Phone: 03 451 1362
Email: info@queenstownofficesupplies.co.nz

OfficeMax Whangarei

Location: Whangarei
Phone: 09 438 5657
Email: enquiries@officemax.co.nz

OfficeMax Auckland

Location: Auckland
Phone: 09 263 4661
Email: enquiries@officemax.co.nz

OfficeMax Auckland

Location: Auckland
Phone: 09 638 7102
Email: enquiries@officemax.co.nz

OfficeMax Tauranga

Location: Tauranga
Phone: 07 577 5474
Email: enquiries@officemax.co.nz

OfficeMax Hamilton

Location: Hamilton
Phone: 07 838 8612
Email: enquiries@officemax.co.nz

OfficeMax Rotorua

Location: Rotorua
Phone: 07 349 5976
Email: enquiries@officemax.co.nz

OfficeMax New Plymouth

Location: New Plymouth
Phone: 06 757 3788
Email: enquiries@officemax.co.nz

OfficeMax Hastings

Location: Hastings
Phone: 06 878 6016
Email: enquiries@officemax.co.nz

OfficeMax Nelson

Location: Nelson
Phone: 03 548 4927
Email: enquiries@officemax.co.nz