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When it comes to office furniture, one simple fact dominates discussion today. Sitting when you work for long periods is bad for your health. This is no longer a topic for debate...
Colours are everywhere, influence most people but are often not noticed. Sherlock Holmes reckoned that the trouble with people is that they look but don't see, they see but don't observe...
My, how the world has changed. Don't go swimming straight after a meal. Stick your batteries in the fridge for longer life - that's the life of the batteries, not you. And you do your best work sitting at a desk...
There was a time, a generation or two ago, when employees sat in rows and slaved away. Well, worked away...
Meetings. Ah, yes, we've all been to them. In fact if we've been an employee in a company for even a few years we will have attended dozens if not scores, if not hundreds of meetings...
It's incredible. No, really. A workplace is now a company's best marketing tool. It's true. Your office sells your business.